The Problem Isn't What You Think Most of the time when I’m doing private consulting, the problem that my clients think they have is NOT actually the real problem. If you think about it, it makes sense that most people don’t understand their real problem. Because if...
Workforce Development for Manufacturers in 4 Steps
Workforce Development Workforce Development for manufacturers or anyone really, is a topic I’ve never given much thought to. I’ve owned a custom manufacturing shop and now help custom job shops and machines shops to reduce lead-time, improve due date performance, and...
Report: Lean Comes up SHORT on Reducing Costs (a Theory of Constraints response)
ATTENTION CUSTOM MANUFACTURERS. This demonstrates how lacking and ineffective lean manufacturing is without Theory of Constraints as a focusing mechanism. PRESS RELEASE: DETROIT (Sept. 28) - Most large manufacturers last year failed to reach their cost-savings...
Presenting Mafia Offers – 3 Step Process
Whenever our human brains detect a sales pitch, our shields naturally go up. I think of it like the shields that protected the Enterprise in Star Trek. “Captain, the Romulans have entered our airspace!” It’s a natural response because of the way our brains evolved....
POOGI: A Process Of On-Going Improvement – Part 1
What is POOGI? POOGI stands for Process Of On-Going Improvement. POOGI is what we call the process we use in Theory of Constraints to continuously improve. POOGI is also the sub-title of the book The Goal. And, POOGI is a systematic process that identifies...
Theory of Constraints Leadership – 2 Laws of Leadership
Theory of Constraints Leadership Theory of Constraints Leadership or leadership in general, is a topic I've never given much thought to. I've owned a job shop and now I help custom job shops and machine shops to reduce lead-time, improve due date performance, and...
Live from the eye of the storm (Negative Branch Reservations)
A Lesson on Theory of Constraints Negative Branch Reservations (NBR) "Now let's go live to Suzy who is reporting live from the level 5 hurricane... Suzy, how is it out there?" "Well Bob, I can barely stand up as I'm getting pelted with hail in 70 mile per hour winds. ...
Decreasing Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time
Cash to Cash Cycle Time The components of your cash-to-cash cycle time depends on your business but generally includes procurement, raw materials inventory, production, finished goods inventory, logistics, and your accounts receivable. To reduce cash-to-cash cycle...
Definition of Cash Constraint
I'm currently working on a book "Increasing Cash Velocity". Goldratt doesn't cover cash flow and it's not even included under the topic of Throughput Accounting. It is however, one of the most important topics for business owners. 80% of the businesses started with...
A Very Important Theory of Constraints Concept: Throughput is Cumulative (Max Profit #8)
This is the eighth conversation in our Maximizing Profitability the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Way series. To read number 7, go here: Brad: “Theory of Constraints (TOC) is unique with its emphasis on Throughput, the...