I will answer my own questions from Part 6 with the typical answers. Remember, that only those of you (30%) who are having trouble getting in will have similar (or any) answers.

So why is it so hard to get in, at the right level, to present your offer? What are the blockades you face?
Voicemail, caller ID, and assistants have made it easier to avoid contact. It seems that with all this technology it has gotten harder to get in.

What is the effect of all this? Longer sales cycles? Slower growth? Lower ROI on your sales/marketing investments?
Yes all of that, not to mention poor cash flow.

Do you have a solution to these challenges? Is there one? What do you do today — what is your process to get in? Research — letter — call? What is the TOC solution?
We do the research — letter — call or just research — call. Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints doesn’t really cover how to get in.

The assumption was that if you have a good, relevant market offer (mafia offer), then surely you can get it to present it. Right?

Who do you target — what is the title of that person?
It depends on the particular client, but a common title is VP of Operations.

OK. So my next questions is — Do people make decisions alone or in groups? What do you think? What’s your experience?

…. stay tuned for Part 8


Here’s to Maximizing YOUR Profits!
Dr Lisa Lang

More on mafia offers here.

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