Now let’s look at the impact on what we discussed yesterday had on our throughput. Let’s say we immediately visit a customer whose complete order was shipped and had just been received by that customer. We make, and they accept, our 20% Discount Mafia Offer and we collect $320 in cash. We pay the sales commission of $40 so we have $280 left. With the $280 we can buy 2 sets of raw materials ($100 each) to produce 2 more products and still have $80 in cash.
We then sell those 2 products with our discount offer collecting $640 ($320 x 2). We pay sales commission of $80 but had $80 in cash from the first offer, so we now have $640 in cash. We buy 6 sets of raw materials and have $40 in cash left. We sell all 6 products with our discount offer collecting $320 x 6 = $1,920. We pay $240 in sales commission leaving $1,920 – $240 + $40 = $1,720 in cash. Let’s go one more time, a 4th cycle. We take the $1,720 in cash and buy 17 sets of raw materials, leaving $20. If we sell all 17 products with our discount offer we collect $320 x 17 = $5,440. We pay sales commission of $680 leaving $4,760, plus the $20 left from the previous cycle, we now have $4,780 in cash.
So, in 53 days you can sell 1 product and generate $260 or you can make a “discount” offer which enables you to sell 17+6+2+1 = 26 products and generate $2,520 in throughput in 52 days.
Here’s to maximizing YOUR profits!
By Dr Lisa Lang