Theory of Constraints Handbook is the definitive guide to Theory of Constraints and covers: Critical Chain Project Management for realizing major improvements in delivering projects on time, to specification, and within budget Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR), Buffer...
Theory of Constraint Books and Book Reviews
Mafia Offers: Dealing with a Market Constraint – the Theory of Constraints Approach
Marketing for SMBs This 40 minute video provides an overview of my ebook Mafia Offers: Dealing with a Market Constraint which is Chapter 22 in the Theory of Constraints Handbook. The ebook is available on here. In this "Building Mafia Offers for SMBs" presentation,...
Theory of Constraints Handbook Chapter 22 Mafia Offers
Chapter 22 of the Theory of Constraints Handbook is my chapter. It's titled Mafia Offers: Dealing with a Market Constraint. Here's the Amazon description: "Spend just two hours reading this chapter and if you don't get at least one good idea for your business,...
Interview Tom Foster (Management Skills Blog) – Part 6 of 6
Q6 Dr Lisa: Are there some basic questions our clients can use to assess the “time span of discretion” for an individual? Tom: In his Time Span Handbook, Elliott Jaques outlines ten questions for a diagnostic interview. While most diagnostics, related to employment,...
The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt MOVIE is on sale!
The Goal: A Process of On-Going Improvement MOVIE One of the bestselling business books in the world was made into a movie. The DVD typically sells for $895. However, it occasionally goes on sale for $447.50. The video is a great way to introduce the concepts in The...
The Best Business Books of All Time
The Goal is currently at the top of "The Best Business Books of All Time" list, but voting is underway. To cast your vote go to: Cast your vote for The Goal and help us to get the word out about Theory of Constraints!Here's to maximizing YOUR profits!Dr Lisa...
Book Review: Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne This review will focus on pointing out those things that are consistent with Theory of Constraints (TOC) and my opinions from those...
The Goal is Still a Best Seller!
The Goal, orginally published in 1984 is the best selling business book in the world. You can still walk into most books stores and find a copy on the shelf. Right now, it is selling really well in Japan. The BusinessWeek Best-Seller List -- Paperback Business Books 1...