by Dr Lisa | theory of constraints Marketing, Theory of Constraints Sales
The 2 Leading Theory of Constraints Sales & Marketing Experts Justin Roff-Marsh and Dr Lisa Lang discuss what happens when … A Mafia Offer Meets 10 Times the Volume of Sales Appointments Here’s a limited opportunity to participate in a test Webinar featuring...
by Dr Lisa | theory of constraints Marketing, Theory of Constraints Sales
Who should we target with our offer? and How should we roll it out? STEP 3 Your marketing and sales core team generates a list of prospects for your mafia offer roll out. Start by mapping current prospective clients (existing, past, new) creating a wide list of...
by Dr Lisa | theory of constraints Marketing, Theory of Constraints Sales
We started this discussion about how people are more interested in avoiding (or reducing) pain than they are in increasing pleasure. We discussed how to present a Mafia Offer (based on Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints) consistent with that desire. Because mafia...
by Dr Lisa | theory of constraints Marketing, Theory of Constraints Sales
I ended Part 7 by asking — Do people make decisions alone or in groups? If you had the experience I described in Part 6 where you do get in, but then have to come back and make the presentation multiple times until all the key people have seen it and can agree...
by Dr Lisa | theory of constraints Marketing, Theory of Constraints Sales
I will answer my own questions from Part 6 with the typical answers. Remember, that only those of you (30%) who are having trouble getting in will have similar (or any) answers. So why is it so hard to get in, at the right level, to present your offer? What are the...